Departmental Tutoring
Students are always encouraged to seek out their professor or appropriate TA in the event they would like more assistance than that provided by Baylor Tutoring in the Success Center or Supplemental Instruction. All additional tutoring opportunities provided by the departments are listed here.
Accounting & Business Law
- A list of tutors is available in the department office
- Department Phone: (254)710-3536
- Department Location: Foster Center for Business and Innovation
- Additional Tutoring assistance is available through the Biology Student Ambassadors.
- Please contact them at
- Each BIO-SA has scheduled office hours each week; you can find the current semester’s schedule on Instagram @bu_bioambassadors
- If you need a time outside of their posted office hours, please, email them for special arrangements.
- Please check their website for their profiles and personal Baylor emails!
Chemistry and Biochemistry
- A list of graduate student tutors is available in the department office. (Tutors do charge a fee.)
- Department Phone: (254)710-3311
- Department Location: Baylor Science Building (BSB) in D.208
- The English Department offers free assistance on written text (by appointment only). Click the link below for more information.
- The Writing Center
- Writing Center Phone: (254)710-4849
- Writing Center Location: The ground floor of Carroll Science Building (G-06).
- Graduate teaching assistants are available for tutoring. Please inquire about tutoring at the department office. (Fee associated)
- Department phone: (254)710-2361
- Department Location: Baylor Science Building (BSB) D.409
- The Math Lab is staffed by graduate students and is free of charge.
- Math Lab Hours: 3:15-5:15pm Monday-Friday.
- The department also maintains a list of Math Tutors. Here is a link to our Math Tutors.
- Department Phone: (254)710-3562
- Math Lab Location: Sid Richardson Building, 3rd floor, Room #326.
Modern Languages and Cultures
- The Modern Languages and Cultures department offers free tutoring for Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swahili (not offered Spring 2018), French, Italian, German, Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese.
- Individual times and locations for tutoring are posted in the Interactive Media and Language Center.
- Department Phone Number: (254)710-3711
- Location for Interactive Media and Language Center: Third floor of Draper Suite 356.
- Students should go first to their professor for tutoring options.
- Graduate students in the META Lab on the 3rd floor of Moody Library provide basic help. A list of tutors for Music Theory and Musicianship may be found in Waco Hall East. These tutors charge a fee.
- Students should contact the faculty member for the class in which they need tutoring.
- Graduate students offer free tutoring for PHY 1408, PHY 1409, PHY 1420, PHY 1430. For a schedule of departmental Physics tutors, visit the Physics Department webpage.
- Department Phone: (254)710-2511
- Tutoring Location: Third floor E wing
Other departments offering tutoring options may contact the Tutoring Coordinator at (254) 710-8254 to be added to this list.