Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry 1 - CHE-3331
As a supplement to your lectures and in-class instruction, you may find these videos helpful. As always, your professors are your primary resource and you should consult them if anything is unclear.
Chapter 2
Resonance and How to Read Curved Arrows
Identifying Resonance via Pattern Recognition
Chapter 3
Determining Acidity Using Quantitative Perspective: pKa values
Determining Acidity Using Qualitative Perspective: ARIO
Equilibrium of Acid-Base Reactions
Bronsted Lowry Acids and Bases and Electron Flow
Chapter 4
Nomenclature of Bicyclic Compounds
How to Draw a Cyclohexane Chair
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Mechanism Steps and Arrow Pushing
Chapter 7
Substitution Reaction Overview
Chapter 8
Alkene Introduction and Nomenclature
Stereoisomerism in Alkenes and Bredt’s Rule
Overview of Elimination Reactions
Introduction to the E2 Mechanism
E2: Stereoselectivity and Stereospecificity
Drawing the Complete E2 Mechanism
Introduction to the E1 Mechanism
E1: Regioselectivity and Stereoselectivity
Drawing the Complete E1 Mechanism
Chapter 10
Hydration Reactions in Alkynes
Alkylation of Terminal Alkynes
Chapter 11
Introduction to Radicals and Stability of Radicals
Common Patterns of Radical Mechanisms
Chapter 13
Introduction to Alcohols and Nomenclature
Preparation of Alcohols via Substitution and Addition
Preparation of Alcohols via Reduction
Preparation of Alcohols via Grignard's Reagent
Reactions of Alcohol: Substitution