A-Z Training Documents
Navigate On-Demand Training
- Adding Services to an Appointment
- Adding a Deep Link to Navigate in Your Course
- Appointment Workflow: Student Check-in Via Appointment Center
- Appointment Workflow: Student Checks in Via Kiosk or Navigate App
- Appointment Workflow: Student Doesn't Have an Appointment
- Creating Availability
- Finding New2BU Responses for Your Students
- Finding Retention Model Score and Predicted Intervention Level
- Making an Appointment from the Student Profile
- Marking a Student Who Doesn't Attend as a No Show
- Prospective Students
- RMS and Intervention Score Overview
- Scheduling Through the Appointment Center
- Setting Preferences for Notification
- Syncing Outlook with Navigate
- Texting Students
- Using Population Health Dashboards
Don't see something you need? We are constantly working to update these item. Please submit a Navigate Report Form with the training topic needed. Thanks!